2COMU is glad to announce a new 2D display module that has been included in GEMS version 7.5. In the new 2D display module, you can eaisly set up the 2D display parameters. Without purchasing any extra hardware devices, GEMS 7.5 hardware acceleration module accelerates the Intel and AMD CPUs 4 times. Different from GPU, GEMS hardware acceleration is a full parallel processing acceleration technique and GEMS can use all the memory you have in a workstation or a computer cluster. 
 New features include:
 | Hardware acceleration technique | | |  | parallel conformal surface current calaculation model | | |  | High performance 3-D parallel EM software package | | |  | High performance parallel FSS solver |
| |  | Dihao company (China) is going to exhibit GEMS at IME/China 2011, Dec 2-4,Shanghai,China. | | |  | Dihao company (China) is going to exhibit GEMS at National Conference on Antenna 2011,Oct.18-21,Nanjing,China. | | |  | 2COMU announces a parallel processing frequency domain FSS solver on Feb. 1, 2011. | | |  | The GEMS exhibition is going to be at ACES conference, March 27-31, 2011, Williamsburg, VA. | | |  | A shortcourse about GEMS new features is going to be at ACES conference, March 27-31, 2011, Williamsburg, VA. | | |  | The GEMS exhibition is going to be at IEEE APS 2011, July 3-8, 2011, Spokane, Washington, WA. | | |  | The GEMS exhibition is going to be at IEEE MTT COnference, June 5-10, 2011, Baltimore, MD. | | |  | The GEMS exhibition is going to be at IEEE EMC, August 14-19, 2011, Long Beach, CA. | | |  | The GEMS exhibition is going to be at IEEE IWEM, August 11-13, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan. | |
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