GEMS Version 7.5
Released on April 1, 2011
GEMS Display module was upgraded, in which the 2D display part was improved significantly. You can easily control the options in the 2D figure.
Released on February 3, 2011
Release Summary for Version 7.5

GEMS version 7.5 added a new frequency domain solver that is specially designed for the frequency selective surface (FSS) structures. The new module is a parallel high performance solver that can uses all the cores in a computer or all the nodes in a computer cluster.


GEMS Version 7.0

Released on December 1, 2010

Release Summary for Version 7.0

GEMS version 7.0 is significantly different from the previous versions in the simulation performance. New GEMS version allows users to use the hardware acceleration using the VALU that has been already built in your computer. Without requiring any additional hardware, GEMS can accelerate the simulation 4 times. Unlike GPU, GEMS VALU acceleration has no problem size limitation, namely, you can use all of  memory in your computer to achieve the best simulation performance.

GEMS new version allows the user to store the intermediate results and then resume the simulation latter. For example, the problem requires that the simulation time be 13 hours, however, the cluster system only allows to use the cluster 12 hour for a single project. GEMS can save the intermediate result at 12 hour and then resume the simulation until complete the simulation.

New Features in Version 7.0

GEMS version 7.0 has been significantly improved the simulation performance on the regular PC, PC clusters, server cluster and workstation. GEMS version 7.0 can increase the performance of your existing PC, workstation, cluster four times. For example, you have a cluster with 20 nodes, using GEMS version 7.0, the performance is same as the 80 nodes without requiring any extra hardware devices. Using AMD processor, GEMS performance can be increased another two times since AMD processor has more physical cores and VALU units than Intel processors.


GEMS version 7.0 allows you to use the VALU hardware acceleration without requiring any extra hardware devices. You can easily speed up the simulation four times compared to the other EM simulation software on the same hardware platform.

GEMS version 7.0 works with GEMS 4-CPU workstation installed with 48 cores and 48 VALUs (it works like 192 cores) and easily for 64 GB (up to 512GB) memory to allow the user to simulate the large problems in a very reasonable time period. This powerful workstation only costs less than US$8000 in United States.

GEMS version 7.0 significantly enhances the modeling capacity for the complex structure, for example, you can design a complex FSS model on a curved surface, and carry out the EM simulation using GEMS.

GEMS version 7.0 now is able to import and export the CATIA model up on request.

GEMS version 7.0 allows you to store the intermediate results on your harddisc and resume the simulation latter whenever it is necessary.

GEMS version 7.0 allows you to specify how often you like to automatically store the intermediate results so that you can recover the results if something happen to the hardware or system during the simulation.

Released on Jenuary 1, 2010
Release Summary for Version 6.0
GEMS version 6.0 is significantly different from the previous versions in both the graphical interface and simulation engine. New GEMS version allows users to efficiently achieve the accurate results using a single PC or PC cluster. For example, using 2 regular computers, you can reduce the simulation time to half and solve the double size of problems without requiring any extra equipment. Using four regular computers, you can accelerate the simulation up to almost 4 times and solve four times larger problems with as less as $200 network device investment. GEMS works well on both Windows and Linux platforms. GEMS supports online simulation, namely, you can simulate jobs from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.
New Features in version 6.0

GEMS version 6.0 has been significantly improved performance wise on the PC clusters, which allows the users to use all the cores/processors in the cluster for both the project preprocessing and EM simulation.

GEMS version 6.0 has been significantly improved on the absorbing boundary condition, which does not require using the large computational domain in the vertical direction for the thin structures such as the most package problems, and flat layered structure problems.

GEMS version 6.0 has a new module to output the time domain reflectometry (TDR), and time domain impedance for the microwave connectors and EMC/EMI problems.

GEMS version 6.0 has the fundamental improvement on the graphical interface, which is more user friendly than the previous version, such as the far field specification, port definition, mesh generation and boundary settings.

The automatic convergence criterion in GEMS version 6.0 includes the customized and adaptive options. The customized option requires the frequency band of interest and number of the sampling frequencies. However, the adaptive option will generate an adaptive frequency list in the frequency band of interest.

Besides the pure Gaussian pulse, differential Gaussian pulse and modulated Gaussian pulse, GEMS version 6.0 has the squared pulse and Sinusoid wave with the finite cycles and periodic signature.

Adaptive mesh in GEMS version 6.0 will generate good mesh distribution based on the geometry features of the problem model.

GEMS version 6.0 allows the users to output the far field value at the specified distance.

GEMS version 6.0 allows the users to manually set the processor distribution for the parallel processing, and can also generate the adaptive processor distribution for the parallel processing if the users know the total available number of processors.

GEMS version 6.0 includes the Gaussian beam excitation source in the excitation source list.

GEMS version 6.0 has been further optimized for the high performance cluster and PC cluster for both the Windows and Linux operating systems.

GEMS version 6.0 has a plumb line as a basic shape in the geometry box that allows the users to efficiently draw a lumped port or wave port from the center of the feed line to an arbitrary shape ground.

GEMS version 6.0 has the more mesh setting parameters for the adaptive mesh generation. For example, the users can specify the maximum and minimum cell sizes in terms cells per wavelength, and the number of cells in the fine structure of interest.

Besides Debye medium. Lorentz medium and cold plasma, GEMS version 6.0 can simulate Drude dispersive medium.

Graphical display in GEMS version 6.0 supports OpenGL, DirectX and GDI (located in the GEMS License manager) to ensure GEMS graphical interface working well in the complex environment.

Highlight Points in version 6.0

GEMS version 6.0 has a friendly graphical user interface from the mesh design, boundary condition setting, far field parameter setting, excitation specification, and output settings.

GEMS version 6.0 has the powerful help documents that link to each window; therefore, the users can get the help wherever it is necessary.

GEMS version 6.0 has the significant performance improvement on the PC cluster.