GEMS Time Domain Solver

Based on 3-D parallel conformal FDTD method
Friendly user interface
Import most popular CAD files
Support multi-core computer and computer cluster
Support online simulation (Web Based interface for Linux version)
Support VALU hardware acceleration
Support Windows and Linux systems


GEMS VALU hardware Acceleration Module

Use the vector unit (VALU) in your CPU to accelerate ths simulation
With requiring any extra hardware devices
Significantly improve the GEMS performance
No extra charge on the VALU module
Two regular CPUs can be much faster the GPU, especially for the practical problems
Hardware acceleration can cover all options such as PML, dispersive medium and far far field.
Support Windows and Linux systems
GEMS Box System
Built-in GEMS parallel time domain and frequency domain solvers
8 quad core processor(s)
64 GB memory (up to 128 GB memory)
8-port KVM with 17" LCD
High performance network system
Web based service
Cluster management software
Operating system: Windows or Linux
Acceleration factor: 23 ~ 28
Save memory up to 70% compared to other EM simulation software

GEMS Parallel Net System
GEMS parallel time domain and frequency domain solvers
Number of processors varies with the customers' available computers
Available memory depends on the number computers
GEMS workstation
High performance network system
Web based service
Cluster management software
Operating system: use existing operating system

GEMS PC Cluster
Built-in GEMS parallel time domain and frequency domain solvers
4/8 quad core processor(s) (up to 32 cores)
32 GB memory (up to 64 GB memory)
22" LCD
Operating system: Windows or Linux
Acceleration factor: 13 ~ 15/21 ~ 25
Save memory up to 80% compared to other EM simulation software

GEMS Workstation
Built-in GEMS parallel time domain and frequency domain solvers
One/two quad core processor(s) (up to 8 cores)
8 GB memory (up to 32 GB memory)
22" LCD
Operating system: Windows or Linux
Acceleration factor: 7 ~ 7.5
Save memory up to 90% compared to other EM simulation software