40-Element Helix Antenna Array
This antenna array is not a small problem for other EM simulation software. However, GEMS requires less than 10GB memory and can complete the simulation in approximately 2 hours.
High Speed Chip
GEMS simulates an eight-layer chip using less than 5 hours and 10 GB memory. The high performance CPML only requires 2 cells of white space for the accurate and stable results.
Microwave Filter
A power divider includes one excitation port and 18 output ports. The simulation requires less than 1GB memory and is completed in 3 hour and 56 min.
Bio-Human Head Model
The bio-human head model, part of Brooks segmented visible human model, is simulated with a nearby dipole antenna. 3-D SAR allows you to view the SAR in any region inside the human head.
Rotman Lens
A Rotman lens includes 17 excitation and 39 output ports. GEMS simulates it in 1 hour and 59 minutes using 3.4GB memory.
64-Element Helix Antenna Array
GEMS simulates 64 element helix antenna array with dielectric supports, PEC isolation skirt and a feed network. The simulation can be completed in about 3 hours using only 4 GB memory.
MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
GEMS is used to simulate a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) model. The GEMS simulation results matches well with the measurement data for all three test cases.
GPS Antenna
GPS antenna system includes antenna array, radome, feed network, and antenna mechanic features. The simulation only requires less than 2GB memory and is completed in 12 minutes for accurate results.
Packaging Problem
A packaging model includes an antenna array with 16 elements that are embedded in a complex environment. The simulation requires less than 10GB memory and is completed in 32 hours (each port for 2 hours).
Vidaldi Antenna Array
This antenna array includes 144 Vivaldi elements. This project is simulated by using 90 cores of a high performance cluster in several hours.
MIMO Antenna
A MIMO antenna includes a pair of antennas with two excitation ports. GEMS generates S-parameters, far field pattern, efficiency, MEG and ECC, which are in good agreement to the measurement data.
Optical Fiber Structure
An optical fiber structure fed by one circular waveguide and the transmission coefficient measured at another port. GEMS can simulate it in 3 hours using only 2.6GB memory.
Whole Human Body Simulation
This model includes 47 layers and has a 1mm resolution. A pair of antennas is set in front and behind human body. The simulation requires less than 10GB memory and is completed in 2 hours.
Patch Antenna Array
Antenna array with the feed network system is simulated using GEMS software. Both the far field pattern and S-parameters match the measurement data very well.
Vidaldi Antenna Array Mounted on
Large PEC Box
A large Vivaldi antenna array mounted on a big PEC box can be simulated by using GEMS software. The GEMS result matches well with the measurement data.